Get Started

Learn how to setup your podcast and distribute it to the world.

Get Started with Podcast

Podcast and Episodes

In Culminate Life you are able to create as many podcasts as you want. Once you have created a podcast, you can add episodes to it. Each episode can have a title, description, and audio file. You can also add a cover image to the podcast and each episode. If you want you can also add a video file to the episode. Learn how to add a video to a podcast episode here.


You can use series to group episodes together. For example, you can create a series for each season of your podcast. If you are a church and you have a sermon series, you can create a series for each sermon series.


There is also a worship section for podcast episodes. If you have a worship set list that you have add to Apple Music or Spotify you can add it to the episode. This way your listeners can listen to the worship set list on their favorite music streaming service.



Learn how to setup a podcast


Learn how to add an episode to your podcast.


Learn how to create a series for your podcast.


Add your worship set list to the episode.

Do you need help with how to distribute your podcast? Learn here how to distribute your podcast to your favorite podcast platform.

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