
How to manage children in the Check-In section.



The Children section is the second choice in the Check-In drop-down menu. When you click on "Children," an alphabetized list by the last name of all children registered in the organization is displayed. By default, the system lists the first ten names. Admins can change the number of names listed on the page by changing the setting on the "Items per page:" feature in the bottom right corner of the screen. Admins can choose from 10, 15, 25, or 50 names per page.

The table displayed features key details for each child. You can scroll up and down as well as left and right to view the complete table. To see an individual child's details, click on the child's name. When you do this, three blocks will be displayed - the child's information, the family group, and the child's attendance. The fields with the child's information are editable. Admins can edit the fields here in the dashboard, and parents can edit the information through the Culminate Life app on their mobile device. Admins can click on the individuals listed in the family group to see contact information on the person. The Attendance block displays the last 100 days that the child was checked in at your organization. Click the left-pointing arrow above the child's name to return to the previous table listing all children.

An additional item we want to point out is the search feature. In the top right corner, you will find the search icon. Click the icon to open a search field. Begin typing the first or last name of the child. The system will begin to display the child or children with matches for the name you entered. You may then click on the name you were searching for to view their details in the three blocks, as described above. If it is not necessary to click on the child's name you were searching for, you may click the "X" on the right side of the search field to return to the full table view.

The final feature is the ability to download a CSV file of all the children listed. Click the download icon to the right of the search icon. This action will save the file to your computer.

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