
What the overview section gives you.


The Overview page is the first choice listed in the drop-down menu of the Check-In portion of the Culminate Life Dashboard. The Overview page has three blocks of information - Attendance, Attendance Breakdown, and Recent Children.


The attendance graph displays the total number of children checked-in (shown with a white line) and the total number of children that did not check out (displayed with a red line) for all groups that utilize the check-in system within your organization. The default view shows this data over a two-month time segment broken down into one-week intervals. Admins have the option to change the period to view data by changing the start date and end date in the top right corner of the screen. Click on the calendar icon to change the dates.

Admins also have the option to break the total number of children displayed into specific groups. To the right of the Start Date and End Date, you will find a funnel icon. Click on this icon and choose a specific group created in *Settings during your organization's set-up process. This action will only display the total check-ins and total of those that did not check out for that specific group.

To see the details for a specific date in the graph, hover your cursor over the data point. The date and the total for that category will be displayed.

Attendance Breakdown:

The Attendance Breakdown displays the most recent six days that had check-ins. Admins can click on a specific date to see the list of children that checked in on that date. The list also includes the names of the person that checked the child in and the person that checked the child out along with a timestamp for each action. If a child is not properly checked out through the Check-In Portal, they will be highlighted in red.

*A note about the name listed in the "Who Checked Out" column: The system will register the name of the parent that uses the culminate app on their mobile device to check out their child. If a parent uses the printed ticket generated at check-in, the system will display the name of the parent that checked in the child when the ticket was printed. So to explain, if Mom checks in Baby and gives the printed ticket to Dad who checks Baby out, the system will display Mom's name in the "Who Checked Out" column.

The list displays the first ten names by default. Admins have the option to view more. In the bottom right corner, you will find "Items per page:" with a drop-down arrow next to it. Click the arrow to choose between 10, 15, 25, or 50 names listed in the chart. Scroll between multiple pages using the left and right arrows displayed.

Admins can click on a child's name to see more data about the child displayed in three blocks. The first block is the personal information about the child that the parent entered when setting up their Culminate Life account. These fields are editable by the parent in the app, but can also be edited by an Admin in the dashboard. The second block of information shows the family unit that the child is associated with through the Culminate App. Admins can click on each person listed to see their contact information. The third block of data is the child's attendance record. It displays the last 100 dates that the child was check-in at your organization.

The final feature we want to highlight is the download button. In the top right corner, you will find the download icon. Click this icon to download a CSV file to your computer with all the check-in data for that specific date.

Click the arrow pointing left next to the date at the top to return to the Overview screen.

Recent Children:

The Recent Children block displays the names of the six most recent children that checked in through the Check-In Portal for the first time. Admins can click on a specific child, and that child's detailed information (with editable fields as described above), family group, and last 100 dates of attendance will display.

Click the arrow pointing left at the top to return to the Overview screen.

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